
2014年1月20日—Theeasiestwayistousethesetwomethods:IntVal:=StrToInt(StrVal);//willthrowEConvertErrorifnotanintegerStrVal ...,2017年10月2日—ConvertanunusualintegerstringtointegervalueinDelphi...Ihaveanarrayofstringscontainingintegernumbers.Ineedtoconvertthem ...,,2005年12月20日—OryoucanusetheStrToIntDeffunctionwhichusesadefaultvalueifthestringisunabletobeconvertedtoaninteger.MyInt:=StrToIntDef ....

Change from string to integer

2014年1月20日 — The easiest way is to use these two methods: IntVal := StrToInt(StrVal); // will throw EConvertError if not an integer StrVal ...

Convert an unusual integer string to integer value in Delphi

2017年10月2日 — Convert an unusual integer string to integer value in Delphi ... I have an array of strings containing integer numbers. I need to convert them ...


2005年12月20日 — Or you can use the StrToIntDef function which uses a default value if the string is unable to be converted to an integer. MyInt := StrToIntDef ...

Delphi 转换函数

定义, 说明, 库. Chr(integer), 转为字符. IntToStr(integer):String, 整数转字符串, SysUtils. FloatToStr(Extended), 浮点数转字符串,当大于等于1e15时用科学记数法 ...


Converts the specified string to a long integer value. Furthermore, DelphiScript has several functions that perform mathematical operations over numbers. Most ...

Need to convert a string number to an integer

2023年5月20日 — I need to convert a number (which I think defaults to a string) to an integer in C++ Builder: void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject ...

StrToInt command

The StrToInt function converts an Integer string, IntegerString such as '123' into an Integer. It supports +ve and -ve numbers, and hexadecimal numbers, as ...


extern DELPHI_PACKAGE int ... Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) into a number. ... Delphi: $1234. C++: 0x1234. Note: In Delphi, ...


Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) into a number with Boolean success code. TryStrToInt converts the string S, ...

ChangeExt - 快速修改副檔名的便利工具

ChangeExt - 快速修改副檔名的便利工具
